Small and simple dream home

I think a lot about possibly building a home one day.  I think its because I don't feel like the home we really want/need is out there.  Our current home is great but since moving here I have been surprised at how much room we don't actually need like I thought we would.  For example, the boys always want to be together in one room.  It pains me that we basically paid for space we don't need.  Maybe someday things will change and they will want their own spaces, which is why I vote for a smaller home now with a basement that we could finish, if only a room at a time.

Most homes out there seem to tout granite as a huge, wonderful feature.  Yes I know its great but it seems a little too "everywhere" for my taste.  Its not that I am above it its just that I would enjoy finding cheaper and possibly more unique options.

I am sure the following wish list will morph over time and as the needs of my family change.  I would love to hear some key things you love about your home or that you would like to have in a home.

- BIG pantry.
- BIG laundry/craft/mud/whatever room.
- Open kitchen/eating area.
- Lots of windows!  We particularly love the idea of floor to ceiling windows in the kitchen/eating area.
- How cool would a walk-in shower be!?
- A VERY organized master closet! (I may be pushing it now.)
- Upstairs laundry.  We had this in one of our homes and we loved it.
- The JareBare (henceforth known as JB) would like a shop.  Discussions on the subject lean towards a detached garage/shop that is possibly connected to the side of the house with a breeze way.
- Basement/refuge from tornados!  And room enough for food storage.  And 32 boxes of Christmas decor.;)
- GREEN.  As eco-friendly as we can afford.  We have discussed wind power (a windmill), solar water heater, solar power, geo-thermal, rainwater retention, etc... and also using as many existing/sustainable materials as possible.

- Farm style!  We love barn homes!!
- Land.  Elbow room for growing boys and no neighborhood covenants/restrictions that would preclude us from having chickens or cows or even nudity if we so choose.  OK maybe just boys in their Underoos.
- I will spare you (for now) the details of my dreams for the interior of this dream home.  But I cannot resist sharing just a few of my favorite pics:

same home as above

again from House Beautiful

I love this for the windows and for the rough finishes

I want to smooch this picture, I love it so much!

Beautiful simplicity.

Alas, I could spend too much time with this.  Night!

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