Elizabeth Dole is out of the Senate

The North Carolina presidential results are not yet in. It's very tight so far, with a slight lead for McCain.

But Elizabeth Dole, incumbent Senator, a Republican, is definitely out. Kay Hagan, her Democratic opponent, has won.

Hagan is a Presbyterian elder. Dole, in one last set of ugly campaign tactics, called her "godless" and used a voice that was not Hagan to do so.

It's a night to celebrate with friends, but after four intense days in Chicago and before the usual 16 hour Wednesday work day, I chose to be at home tonight. I just phoned a dear friend in the Midwest who has been living with multiple illnesses and physical and mental challenges and not much money and almost died a couple of times in the last few years, and told her Obama had won. At first she could hardly believe it. She is part Irish, part Jewish, and part African American. I told her "You have lived to see this." She was the first person I called.

I am not sure I will be able to sleep.

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