There are things many of us can't or don't talk about on blog -- matters related to employment, family, ecclesiastical politics, health, degree programs, unpublished writings, pastoral care, and other areas in which public discussion would be inappropriate, impolitic, unsafe, or a violation of someone's privacy or boundaries.
So, sometimes we just ask for prayer.
I'm doing all right, in fact, better than a week ago. (+Maya Pavlova just placed both front paws across my left wrist. A little hard to type. Okay, she's off and the paws are on the edge of the computer. But she's still up against my hand.) Thank you, from my heart, for praying me through the current mishegoss and tsuris. (Yeah, I mix my metaphors and lingos, but I am a hybrid creature. So sue me.)
Now back to our irregularly scheduled programming.
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