Seersucker: Southern style icon and political gap-bridger

Did you know that each year on a predetermined Thursday in June, the Senate is awash in seersucker?  Apparently someone had the idea to bring back an old tradition -and I like it.

In days gone by, Senators donned seersucker to try and beat the heat but the tradition died with the birth of air-conditioning.  In the 90's, someone suggested to revive the idea.  So ladies and men, Democrats and Republicans all give a nod to the southern summer staple in the Senate.  Way to bridge the gap, seersucker.
With that in mind and with my boys needing some new Sunday clothes, I had to make sure we incorporated a little seersucker.  I sorta wish I had found all of them their own seersucker suit but it was tough to find good ones that were affordable without making them all matchy-matchy.  I found some good stuff nonetheless.

I am hoping to get some pictures of the whole family soon but for now, here is a snapshot of the two eldest boys just before church today.  The younger two stayed home with me today because Zach has strep throat... stay tuned for the tiny suits!
Tyson ended up getting the seersucker because I liked how it looked with his skin tone and they had his size.  Will got the pinstripes and I am not sure of the fabric but its very light and breathable.  I think they are pretty happy with their new suits.  (I love how you can see it all over Will's face.)

A few shots of other seersucker suits I like...
{images via The Sartorialist}

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