A Sense of Purpose

You can furnish a home overnight. But you cannot create a lived-in home overnight; a home that reflects your taste and personality, right down to the cups and saucers and art objects.

All these take time to acquire. It took the couple who lived in this home two years of hunting down and resorting antique furniture and picking up art objects from antique shops to build up a collection. And they began this two years before they got their home.
Most of their antique pieces are oriental. But they decided that an all-oriental theme would be too monotonous so they bought a Regency suite for the living room and a number of other European period pieces.

Fortunately they knew when to stop (collecting) and this eclectic mix of furniture and objects fills the home without overflow or overwhelming the space.
Imaginative track lighting has been used to highlight these antiques as well as create a cosy ambience in the home.

The theme has been carried through, from the living room and dining area to the bedrooms upstairs.
Finishings like walls and cornices have also been carefully executed, with walls replastured and wiring suitably concealed.
Taken collectively, all the elements provide for an extremely comfortable home for this couple, a home with lots of panache.

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