100 Real Amazing Strange facts about Dolphins,Top 10 interesting information of dolphins, New & latest Dolphins Photography-Images-Pictures-Wallpapers-Photos of 2011, 201,2013,2014,2015 free download. Jumping & Swimming Bottlenose Dolphins, Miami Dolphins Baby Dolphins Becoming Endangered.- freewallpapermania.blogspot.com

Facts About Dolphins

•Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.
•Dolphins are very intelligent and learn quickly. They pick up tricks faster than dogs. Dolphins rank # 2 in animal intelligence behind chimpanzees.
•Dolphin calves are born tail first and must swim to the surface of the water for air. The mother dolphin will help push her baby to the surface to get that first breath.
•The spinner dolphin spins on its tail in the air before splashing back into the water.
•The Dolphin family has 36 species. The largest is the orca, or killer whale at 23 feet long and 4.5 tons. The smallest is the Heaviside’s dolphin, only 3 1/2 feet long and 88 pounds.
•Some types of dolphins must rise to the surface to breathe every 20 to 30 seconds while others can hold their breath as long as 30 minutes.
•The Dolphin family has 36 species. The largest is the orca, or killer whale at 23 feet long and 4.5 tons. The smallest is the Heaviside’s dolphin, only 3 1/2 feet long and 88 pounds.
•The annual global by-catch mortality of small whales, dolphins and porpoises alone is estimated to be more than 300,000 individuals.
- freewallpapermania.blogspot.com


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More STRANGE FACTS about Dolphins 
  1. Dolphins have to come up to the surface to breathe? Most dolphins surface every few minutes, but they can stay under water for up to 15 minutes. A dolphin breathes through the blowhole on top of its head. 
  2. Dolphins evolved from land animals? The land ancestor of the dolphin lived about 50 million years ago and looked a little like a wolf. This animal hunted in shallow waters and by and by adapted itself to life in water: the forelegs became flippers, the hindlegs disappeared and the fluke evolved, the fur disappeared and the nostrils moved to the top of the head.
  3. Dolphins are mammals? They give birth to live young and nurse them with milk.
  4. Dolphins use echolocation to navigate and to find food? Dolphins send out clicks that are returned from other objects in the water (just like an echo). This way a dolphin can locate food, other dolphins, predators or rocks.
  5. Dolphins live in families? These families are usually led by a female dolphin. The dolphins in a family help each other, for example when raising their young. When travelling or hunting, several families might join together to make a larger group, a school of dolphins.
  6. The largest dolphin is the orca? It can reach up to ten metres in length. For more information on this dolphin, read our text about orcas.
  7. Dolphins have a thick layer of fat beneath their skin? This layer of fat is called blubber. As dolphins have no fur, they need the blubber to keep warm. Dolphins in colder waters usually have a thicker layer of fat than dolphins in warm waters.
  8. Dolphins are endangered? Humans are the greatest threat to dolphins: environmental pollution, habitat destruction and overfishing are the main reasons why so many dolphin species are endangered. Lots of dolphins get stuck in fishing nets and in some countries, dolphins are deliberately killed because they eat the fish that the fishermen want to catch. If we do not do anything about it, dolphins might soon be extinct.
  9. Not all dolphins live in seawater? There are some species that live in fresh water: the river dolphins. Unfortunately, river dolphins are critically endangered and it is even feared that one species, the baiji, has already died out.
  10. Can help to protect dolphins? Educate yourself about these animals and tell others about them. Care more about our environment and start to recycle more things. Raise money for an organisation that helps to support dolphins.
  11. How do dolphins SLEEP? How much do dolphins eat?
  12. How smart are dolphins? And, lots of other interesting facts...
  13. Dolphins have to be conscious to breath.This means that they cannot go into a full deep sleep, because then they would suffocate. Dolphins have "solved" that by letting one half of their brain sleep at a time. This has been determined by doing EEG studies on dolphins. Dolphins sleep about 8 hours day in this fashion.
  14. A dolphin's behavior when sleeping/resting depends on the circumstances and possibly on individual preferences.
  15. How smart are dolphins?There is no reliable method to measure intelligence in humans across cultures, so it is not surprising that comparing humans, dolphins, apes, dogs, etc. is impossible. There are some indications of their potential: they are fast learners and can generalize (which is also true of pigs). Also they can learn to understand complicated language-like commands (which is also true of the great apes).
  16. How much do dolphins eat?Bottlenose dolphins eat several kinds of fish (including mullet, mackerel, herring, cod) and squid. The compostion of the diet depends very much on what is available in the area they live in and also on the season. The amount of fish they eat depends on the fish species they are feeding on: mackerel and herring have a very high fat content and consequently have a high caloric value, whereas squid has a very low caloric value, so to get the same energy intake (calories) they will need to eat much more if they feed on squid than if they feed on mackerel or herring. On average an adult dolphin will eat 4-9% of its body weight in fish, so a 250 kg (550 lb) dolphin will eat 10-22.5 kg (22-50 lb) fish per day.
  17. How long do dolphins live?The maximum age for bottlenose dolphins is between 40 and 50 years. The average age a dolphin can get (the life expectancy) can be calculated from the ASR Annual Survival Rate (the percentage of animals alive at a certain point, that is still alive one year later). For the dolphin population in Sarasota Bay, the ASR has been measured to be about 0.961. This yields a life expectancy of about 25 years. For the population in the Indian/Banana River area, the ASR is between 0.908 and 0.931. This yields a life expectance between 10.3 and 14 years. So the actual life expectancy differs per region.
  18. How deep can a dolphin dive?The deepest dive ever recorded for a bottlenose dolphin was a 300 meters (990 feet). This was accomplished by Tuffy, a dolphin trained by the US Navy. Most likely dolphins do not dive very deep, though. Many bottlenose dolphins live in fairly shallow water. In the Sarasota Bay area, the dolphins spend a considarable time in waters that are less than 2 meters (7 feet) deep.
  19. Do dolphins drink salt water?Most dolphins live in the ocean and the ocean water is too salty for them to drink! If they would drink sea water, they would actually use more water trying to get rid of the salt than they drank in the first place. Most of their water comes from their food (fish and squid). Also, when they metabolize (burn) their fat, water is released in the process. Their kidneys are also adapted to retaining as much water as possible. Although they live in water, they live as desert animals with no direct source of drinkable water.
  20. Mass strandings: Why?If a single whale or dolphin strands, it usually is a very sick (and exhausted) animal. Such an animal often has some infections (pneumonia is almost always one of them) and a lot  

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About Dolphins
A wild female Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin was observed going through a series of complicated steps to prepare cuttlefish for eating in the Spencer Gulf, in South Australia. Study co-author Tom Tregenza, from the University of Exeter, said the behaviour exhibited between 2003 and 2007 was unlikely to be a rarity. "In addition to our observations, individual bottlenose dolphins feeding at these cuttlefish spawning grounds have been observed by divers in the area to perform the same behavioural sequence," they said in the study.
"The feeding behaviour reported here is specifically adapted to a single prey type and represents impressive behavioural flexibility for a non-primate animal."The research team, writing in the science journal PLoS One, said they repeatedly observed a female dolphin herding cuttlefish out of algal weed and onto a clear, sandy patch of seafloor.The dolphin, then pinned the cuttlefish with its snout while standing on its head, before killing it instantly with a rapid downward thrust and "loud click" audible to divers as the hard cuttlebone broke.The dolphin then lifted the body up and beat it with her nose to drain the toxic black ink that cuttlefish squirt into the water to defend themselves when attacked.Next the prey was taken back to the seafloor, where the dolphin scraped it along the sand to strip out the cuttlebone, making the cuttlefish soft for eating."It's a sign of how well their brains are developed. It's a pretty clever way to get pure calamari without all the horrible bits," Mark Norman, the curator of molluscs at Museum Victoria.A separate 2005 study provided the first sign dolphins my be capable of group learning and using tools, with a mother seen teaching her daughters to break off sea sponges and wear them as protection while scouring the seafloor in Western Australia. - freewallpapermania.blogspot.com

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Dolphins Becoming Endangered

One of the most well known of the species, there are numerous reasons why bottlenose dolphins are endangered. Most of them are due to the activities of man.
Pollution In Sea:
The biggest problems is the polluting of their environment. Every day tons of garbage are dumped into the seas. These include the thrash as well as industrial and chemical wastes. These elements are toxic. Just as humans suffer when exposed to pollution, so do these sea creatures.The dirty waters make it harder for them to swim and it also poisons their food. The wanton pollution of the seas forces them to relocate. This affects their behavioral patterns and cycles greatly and is one of the reasons why bottlenose dolphins are endangered in Water.- freewallpapermania.blogspot.com

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Illegal Fishing of fisherman:
One of another reason is illegal fishing. Some people capture these animals and try to sell them to the highest bidder. It’s also a fact that some fishermen use illegal methods when trying to capture fish. Some of them employ huge nets trying to capture huge amounts of fish. In some cases the creatures are killed.Even more dangerous are the explosives or dynamite fishing. This method kills thousands of fish and other sea animals. In addition it causes untold damage to the underwater environment. While some efforts have been made to stop it, illegal fishing remains one of the culprits as to why bottlenose dolphins are endangered in sea.
- freewallpapermania.blogspot.com

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Beautiful Face of Dolphin Bottlenose Photography of 2011.

Reduced of Prey:
Dolphins feed on squid, shrimp and small sharks among others. Unfortunately these are also among the most endangered of animals. The shark population has been reduced greatly due to hunting. Meanwhile shrimp and squid are among the most in demand seafood today. Many people look at them as delicacies and so they fetch a high price. The natural cycle allows for a balanced existence between hunter and prey. But human activity has created an imbalance. When the animals find that one area is short of food, they move to another place where it is in abundance. This creates a problem as the area becomes overpopulated with dolphins. This is another reason why bottlenose dolphins are endangered.- freewallpapermania.blogspot.com

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2011,2012,2013,2014,2015 HD Pictures of Dolphins.
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Destruction of Habitat of Dolphins:
Natural beauty, the areas where they’re set have become tourist attractions. Unfortunately, this has had some negative effects on their habitats. Too many people swimming around its domain have caused damage. Garbage and pollution have taken a hold. The tendency of people to try and get near these creatures affects their daily patterns.

Dolphins Hunting:
It’s a problem also faced by whales. In some countries the activity is seen as a sport. Even though it can cause great damage to the environment, politics is preventing sweeping measures from being implemented.There are just some of the reasons why bottlenose dolphins are endangered. These aren’t just lovely creatures. They are part of the food / life cycle in the ocean.If they disappear it will affect the lifespan of other sea creatures, the consequences of which can be severe for the planet that is the reason.- freewallpapermania.blogspot.com

Bottlenose dolphins
Dolphin called Bottlenose dolphins are well known as the intelligent and charismatic stars of many aquarium shows. Their curved mouths give the appearance of a friendly, permanent smile, and they can be trained to perform complex tricks.In the wild, these sleek swimmers can reach speeds of over 18 miles (30 kilometers) an hour. They surface often to breathe, doing so two or three times a minute. Bottlenose dolphins travel in social groups and communicate with each other by a complex system of squeaks and whistles. Schools have been known to come to the aid of an injured dolphin and help it to the surface.Bottlenose dolphins track their prey through the expert use of echolocation. They make up to 1,000 clicking noises per second. These sounds travel underwater until they encounter objects, then bounce back to their dolphin senders, revealing the location, size, and shape of their target.When dolphins are feeding, that target is often a bottom-dwelling fish, though they also eat shrimp and squid. These clever animals are also sometimes spotted following fishing boats in hopes of dining.

They are found in tropical oceans and other warm waters around the globe. They were once widely hunted for meat and oil (used for lamps and cooking), but today only limited dolphin fishing occurs. However, dolphins are threatened by commercial fishing for other species, like tuna, and can become mortally entangled in nets and other fishing equipment.All dolphins, including the bottlenose, are porpoises. Although some people use these names interchangeably, porpoises are actually a larger group that also includes animals like the orca and the beluga whale.- freewallpapermania.blogspot.com

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100 Real Amazing Strange facts about Dolphins,Top 10 interesting information of dolphins, New & latest Dolphins Photography-Images-Pictures-Wallpapers-Photos of 2011, 201,2013,2014,2015 free download. Jumping & Swimming Bottlenose Dolphins, Miami Dolphins Baby Dolphins Becoming Endangered.- freewallpapermania.blogspot.com

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