Art on Watermelon

There are different kinds of art in the world, but the most interesting one is one the fruits. Yes, art on fruit. This art include many things like dressing of fruits, carving, making bouquet of fruits etc. But carving of fruit is most attractive one and also very much popular in countries like China, Japan, Thailand and some Asian countries. In this art, artistic carved beautiful sculptures on the fruit and gain the admiring from the people. Fruit carving also be done on such fruits as carrots, papaya, pumpkins and other smaller fruits for carving individual items. But carving of watermelon is most attractive and most admired by people. Carving of watermelon is also a great fun for kids because in this way they can gain the vitamins and other benefits of the fruits. This unique art sculpture should be encouraged among the children not only to propagate and keep alive the ancient tradition but also to give way to the creation of masterpieces of the future.

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