Watermelon - A Beauty-Full Fruit

Watermelon a juicy fruit which truly provide you coolness, freshness and zest in the summer. Lets dive into the cool juicy watered world of watermelon where we will see that how it helps in maintaining our beauty

  • For a soft skin, take a cup of watermelon pulp and apply on the area which you want to treat, after 15 minutes rinse your skin where you applied the pulp and enjoy the cool, fresh skin. 
  • If your skin exposed to sun on daily basis then you need some extra care tips to avoid sunburns and suntans. To treat this, take watermelon and cucumber face pack, by mixing both of them in equal proportion, leave it on your face for 20 minutes. It will heal your sunburn and suntan. 
  • Another tip to avoid the dull look and darkness, take 1 cube of watermelon juice and rub it all over your face, your face will glow like a fresh flower. 
  • Treat your skin with watermelon scrub to look young and beautiful in summer days. For this, squeeze the juice from grated watermelon and mix it with a pinch of flour. Apply it on your face and lets it applied for 15 minutes in order to have fresh face.

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