Best Relation

Every one had many relations in its life. But which relation is your best one. Is it a relation with your parents? or your siblings? or your lover? or your life partner?

Whatever your relation is but you always had problems in it. Problem like your parents did not allow you to attend any occasion while you desperately wanted to enjoy it, or your lover did not wish you "The" day when you first time met him/her, or your life partner forget to come home early because you were planning to having dinner together.

These are the all problem which one can have in its life from its relations. But the best relation is always that one where one sorry and a smile makes everything just as perfect as before. But this sorry and smile needs sincerity in itself. If you expect to maintain your relation as perfect as before than after your every problem or anger just give a sincere smile and sorry. Then everything will be back as it was before.

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