Chanel Illusion D’Ombre Fall 2011 Collection

Illusion d’Ombre de Chanel Fall 2011 Collection present its new collection which is inspired by beautiful metals and jewels and it includes 2 rosy lipsticks, 2 pink lip pencils, 2 pink lip glosses, a rosy pink brush, a khaki eye pencil, and an eyeshadow quad.

This collection is going to rock in coming July. As there are 6 shades of gel eyeshadow named  Fantasme (glittery white), Emerveillé (glittery ripe peach), Ebloui (glittery plum), Epatant (glittery khaki), Illusoire (glitter plum-violet) and Mirifique (glittery black) while 3 shades of nail polish; Graphite (glittery gray-black), Peridot (pearled green-with gold tint) and Quartz (pearled brown).

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