JohnieB update, cont'd

Talked with JohnieB earlier this evening. He's still in the middle of his move, so he's tired, but otherwise fine. The very good news is that the MRI of last week revealed no big problem and his kidneys are fine. He has some sort of thing around them related to blood vessels, but it's not alarming and just needs periodic monitoring. The main issue is that he needs to slow down, take care of himself, get proper nutrition and exercise and rest and all that stuff we all need. So cheer him on, and keep him company.

Miz Scarlett is boarding at the vet's until after the weekend when the house is less chaotic.

The computer situation is status quo, JohnieB needs a new computer and in the current situation he hasn't exactly had time to run around doing comparison shopping, since he just moved his whole household. He expects to be back online around the end of next week.

Asked what he was planning to drink during the debate, JohnieB said "milk." Or, he added, cranberry-apple juice. While watching the debate, or instead of watching? I asked. Instead, said he. He didn't need more stress. Can't blame him.

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