+Maya updates you

Dear creatures of our beloved Creator,

My beautiful soft grey self (I speak in all modesty and humility) is seated at the laptop and I want to take this opportunity to update you on the condition of my Canon to the Extraordinary. As you know, she has been laboring mightily the last few days. It's a good thing that she took Monday off to nip that lung thing in the bud. Better for me, too. There was chicken soup for three days in this house.

The Canon to the Extraordinary has had a good night's sleep and spent some extra time with me today. This makes me happy. She also says she will be home a lot this coming week because of something called "fall break." She is cheery because of something called Good Publicity For The Book. You'd think this would make her write you this evening to tell you all these nice things, but she is mumbling something about "apples" and "fillo dough." I assume this means she will write you a recipe, but I can't make promises on her behalf. Also, I don't eat apples.

With purring pastoral concern,

+Maya Pavlova, FBE

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