Shameless self-promotion and some spiritual nourishment

Remember the book? It's coming out soon. We are just finishing page proofs and the book is going to press.

Here's the scoop in brief:

When in Doubt, Sing: Prayer in Daily Life

Original hardback edition: 1999 (HarperCollins, out of print)

New paperback edition (Sorin Books, an imprint of Ave Maria Press):

Coming out in early November 2008, with New Preface by the Author (that would be me, Jane Redmont) !

1. Need some spiritual nourishment? Give the book a try. People have found it helpful in their life of prayer and faith and practice.

2. Great Christmas present. Beautiful cover. Nice for your grandmother, your nephew in college, your rector, your beloved. Won't work for animals, though they do sleep on it very nicely.

3. Yes, I give talks, retreats, quiet days a.k.a. days of recollection, workshops, and related sermons and homilies. Write me at widsauthor at earthlink dot net if you are interested in booking an appearance (geez, that sounds like an apparition; it is not, I am all too human). If your congregation or group can't afford a speaker, think "coalition funding" and make it an ecumenical or regional event. More on paid and unpaid speaking engagements here.
4. Do you a) live in the Chicago area or b) attend the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion (AAR), which is in Chicago this year? The publisher is throwing me a little party at the upcoming AAR meeting. Write me off-blog (missmayapavlova at gmail dot com or at the above earthlink address) and I can probably get you on the invitation list. The party is about four weeks from now. There will be copies of the book for sale and yes, I will sign your copy and write nice things on it.

5. Here are contact persons for p.r. and bookstore appearances:

For interviews, excerpts, review copies and images, contact:

Amanda Williams
Ave Maria Press
P.O. Box 428
Notre Dame, IN 46556-0428
800-282-1865 x206
Awilli21 at nd dot edu

To arrange bookstore events and request in-store promotional materials, contact:

Julie Cinninger
Trade Sales Coordinator
Ave Maria Press
P.O. Box 428
Notre Dame, IN 46556-0428
800-282-1865 x205
jcinning at nd dot edu

Here endeth the p.r. Thanks be to Godde.

Prayers and sneak previews coming over the next few weeks. Keep checking in here.

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