J.T. weighs in

A form letter, via e-mail, but hey, I'll take my correspondence from James Taylor in any form. It arrived a few days ago but I was deep in the teaching week and last night I didn't have time to finish this post last night because I was engaged in shameless self-promotion about the book and study of the long, long, long North Carolina ballot so that I could go vote today.

Dear Jane,

I grew up in North Carolina. To me, it will always feel like home. And today, I'm not the only one with Carolina in my mind. In fact, the whole country is looking to our state to make the difference.

There's something different in the air this year. I've sensed it in the crowds I've played to, and seen it in the eyes of folks I've talked with. North Carolinians are hungry for a change. And for the first time in a generation, the presidential race could go either way in this state -- it's all up to us.

That's why this week I'm doing my part by traveling around the state I love, using my voice to tell everyone I can reach that it's time to vote for change. And now I'm asking you to do your bit. Find a Campaign for Change office near you and volunteer to talk to voters. The Obama campaign has a plan to win North Carolina, but they need 100,000 volunteer hours to pull it off. I'm going to give as many as I can, and I hope you'll join me.

We all know that we have some serious challenges to solve: The economy is in rough shape, jobs are disappearing, and quality, affordable health care is out of reach for far too many.

Across the country, folks are realizing that the only way to really tackle these challenges is to work together. If we let ourselves be divided by party, race, or fear, we'll fail. And the stakes are just too high to let that happen.

This spirit of unity and purpose is what Barack Obama's campaign is all about, and it's why I'm a proud supporter.

But proud support is not enough right now. We have to get out there, tell folks they can start voting today, and make sure they do. So please, sign up to join me and volunteer as much as you can this week.

[There was a link to "mybarackobama" here - I am replacing it with a universal link here so you can all log in and explore the possibility of volunteering. Remember there are many ways of volunteering and you can find one that suits you. You can also contact your local campaign office rather than poking around the Web. There are campaign offices all over the country. When you get to the main website, click on "states" to locate the office nearest to you. - JR]

Together you and I, and the great state of North Carolina, are going to put our country back on the right track.

Thank you,

James Taylor

Paid for by Obama for America

And here's your bonus: A much younger J.T. singing "Carolina in my mind."

Taylor is doubly a landsman of mine, since he now lives in Massachusetts and I lived in Massachusetts for many, many years.

11 days.

Brought to you by your daily ¡Sí, se puede!

Activated till the polls close on November 4.

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